I am in Kuala Lumpur right now. Hope everything goes well with my luggage transfer. Just got my ticket to Amsterdam at the ticket counter, dont even have time to write a proper email. Anyhow I am about to board to my flight to Amsterdam and then hitting by car to Belgium
Missing Korea and the people and the language already, found myself being accustomed to bow everytime I great someone, that might be strange when I am back in Belgium.
But its good to be back as well cause I have been like away... feels a bit like forever. Craving CRAVING for my mothers delicious food. I am going to get at least 5kg fatter during the holidays.
I will keep updating my Korean blog when I find time in Belgium. So many stories to tell about.
Have to go... but even when I am gone for a while I am always around. Somewhere between Belgium. USA. Korea.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Psychologisch geweld
Beste vrienden, deze entry is er ene voor de mensen die het dichtst bij mij staan en die de kern vormen van de persoon en de positieve energie de ik normaal ben. Eigenlijk alle mensen die Nederlands kunnen lezen zeker? Hehe...
Maak je maar geen zorgen, maar ik besef maar eens te meer dat niet alle mensen zijn, zoals de mensen zoals ik gewoon ben te kennen. Mijn vrienden, mijn familie, mijn man.
Het is heel naïef te leven in een wereld als de mijne, te proberen te geloven in het goede van iedere mens, hoe klein of groot de 'slechte' dingen in ieder mens ook zijn, ik wil geloven in het goede van iedere mens, omdat dat mijn levensovertuiging is. Ja, heel idealistisch. Omdat ik tot nu toe nog geen echte slechte ervaringen heb gehad in pure slechtheid... althans op een manier waarop je de tegenpartij zodanig kan kwetsen en wilt kleineren, althans niet onder 'vrienden'...
Vandaag is echt de allereerste keer in heel mijn leven, dat ik van een persoon die ik 'vriend' mag noemen, psychologisch geweld krijg aangedaan... Het is een heel lang verhaal om uit te leggen, maar zoals de meesten mij wel kennen, probeer ik altijddm mensen hun leven beter te maken, of althans een steentje bij te dragen naar het 'goede' in het leven. Ik weet het. Heel naïef en idealistisch. Maar ik ben altijd zo geweest. En ik zeg dit niet om mijzelf op een ladder op zo hoog in de hemel te zetten. Maar mensen die mij kennen, weten ik leef van het 'goede' in de mensen. Ik leef in het geloof van het 'goede'.
Maar vandaag, is dat geloof even helemaal in mekaar gestuikt. Verbaal geweld, tot een 'fuck you' vinger toe naar mij gericht, en dit van iemande die ik een 'vriend' heb genoemd. Weet zelfs niet hoe ik hierover moet nadenken. Weet zelfs niet wat ik in hemelsnaam heb moeten doen om dit te verdienen. Weet zelfs niet waarom de persoon in kwestie kwaad op mij was geworden een week geleden... Ik voel een soort van jaloezie en afgunst van zijnentwege... zou het dat zijn?
Zijn wij niet allemaal volwassen en beschaafd om niet zulke obscene gebaren te gebruiken? Even voelde ik me net op de speelplaats van de lagere school, of een of andere jongen autochauffeur die tegen de bumper van de auto plakt en bij het voorbijsteken een mooie middenvinger tentoonstelt...
Ik had het moeten zien aankomen, mijn hart op tijd sluiten, maar ik doe altijd mijn best, maar tevergeefs... Mijn hart was stuk. Had zoiets nooit zien aankomen, hoeveel woede en kwaadheid, hoeveel slechtheid zo allemaal in een keer naar mij gericht, alsof ik een stress bal ben die je zomaar op en neer kan smijten tegen muur en grond en terug...
Wel, dit ervarende, dit zal ook wel de laatste keer zijn dat ik die persoon ga zien. Ik heb alle geloof in de goedheid die in hem zat verloren. Want 'vrienden', die doen niet zo. Je kan van tijd tot tijd wel ruzie hebben, maar iemand opzettelijk kwetsen en kwellen, neen, dat noem je geen vrienden. Dat is geen vriendschap. Dat is geen liefde voor je medemens. Afgunstig zijn op andere mensen hun geluk of zelfs je medemens zelfs het kleinste grijntje geluk dat ze ervaren willen afbreken zodat de afbreker zich beter kan voelen dan de afgebrokene... dat is geen liefde. Dat is geen warmte. Dat is geen menselijkheid. Dat is niet geven. Dat is zelfs niet nemen. Dat is zelfs hetgeen bestaat niet zomaar laten maar totaal afbreken...
Vandaag is echt de allereerste keer in heel mijn leven, dat ik onder 'vrienden' zulks ervaar. Mijn hart is kapot, maar weer gelijmd mijn brokken, want er is altijd LJ :). En er is altijd mijn familie, vooral mijn moeder. Er is altijd mijn vrienden in België die zelfs niet aan zoiets kunnen denken...
Dat is wel liefde. Dat is wel warmte. Dat is geven. Onvoorwaardelijk.
Wat heb ik hieruit geleerd? Uit mijn eigen fouten weer. Moet ik mijn hart nu afsluiten? Nochtans ben ik met de jaren tijd kieskeuriger geworden. Maar blijkbaar heb ik het verkeerd ingeschat.
Ach ja, een beetje teleurstelling op het einde van mijn trip in Korea... Het is er maar eentje hoor, wees gerust, die ga ik een tijdje niet meer zien voor zover mij betreft. Het is te ver gegaan. Niemand verdient zo behandeld te worden, ook ik niet, ik die toch wel wat verdragen kan als het neer komt op slikken van mijn eigen emoties.
Ach ja, zo weer voorbij. Gelukkig zijn er hier nog een aantal mensen hier in Korea waar ik terecht kan. Mensen die positief zijn. En je niet de dieperik intrekken. Vanavond naar een dansvoorstelling van de mensen van mijn dansschool hier in Seoul en dan afspreken met een andere vriend. Nog enkele dagen te gaan. En dan ben is mijn hart weer volledig 'veilig'... Echt waar :))
Maak je maar geen zorgen, maar ik besef maar eens te meer dat niet alle mensen zijn, zoals de mensen zoals ik gewoon ben te kennen. Mijn vrienden, mijn familie, mijn man.
Het is heel naïef te leven in een wereld als de mijne, te proberen te geloven in het goede van iedere mens, hoe klein of groot de 'slechte' dingen in ieder mens ook zijn, ik wil geloven in het goede van iedere mens, omdat dat mijn levensovertuiging is. Ja, heel idealistisch. Omdat ik tot nu toe nog geen echte slechte ervaringen heb gehad in pure slechtheid... althans op een manier waarop je de tegenpartij zodanig kan kwetsen en wilt kleineren, althans niet onder 'vrienden'...
Vandaag is echt de allereerste keer in heel mijn leven, dat ik van een persoon die ik 'vriend' mag noemen, psychologisch geweld krijg aangedaan... Het is een heel lang verhaal om uit te leggen, maar zoals de meesten mij wel kennen, probeer ik altijddm mensen hun leven beter te maken, of althans een steentje bij te dragen naar het 'goede' in het leven. Ik weet het. Heel naïef en idealistisch. Maar ik ben altijd zo geweest. En ik zeg dit niet om mijzelf op een ladder op zo hoog in de hemel te zetten. Maar mensen die mij kennen, weten ik leef van het 'goede' in de mensen. Ik leef in het geloof van het 'goede'.
Maar vandaag, is dat geloof even helemaal in mekaar gestuikt. Verbaal geweld, tot een 'fuck you' vinger toe naar mij gericht, en dit van iemande die ik een 'vriend' heb genoemd. Weet zelfs niet hoe ik hierover moet nadenken. Weet zelfs niet wat ik in hemelsnaam heb moeten doen om dit te verdienen. Weet zelfs niet waarom de persoon in kwestie kwaad op mij was geworden een week geleden... Ik voel een soort van jaloezie en afgunst van zijnentwege... zou het dat zijn?
Zijn wij niet allemaal volwassen en beschaafd om niet zulke obscene gebaren te gebruiken? Even voelde ik me net op de speelplaats van de lagere school, of een of andere jongen autochauffeur die tegen de bumper van de auto plakt en bij het voorbijsteken een mooie middenvinger tentoonstelt...
Ik had het moeten zien aankomen, mijn hart op tijd sluiten, maar ik doe altijd mijn best, maar tevergeefs... Mijn hart was stuk. Had zoiets nooit zien aankomen, hoeveel woede en kwaadheid, hoeveel slechtheid zo allemaal in een keer naar mij gericht, alsof ik een stress bal ben die je zomaar op en neer kan smijten tegen muur en grond en terug...
Wel, dit ervarende, dit zal ook wel de laatste keer zijn dat ik die persoon ga zien. Ik heb alle geloof in de goedheid die in hem zat verloren. Want 'vrienden', die doen niet zo. Je kan van tijd tot tijd wel ruzie hebben, maar iemand opzettelijk kwetsen en kwellen, neen, dat noem je geen vrienden. Dat is geen vriendschap. Dat is geen liefde voor je medemens. Afgunstig zijn op andere mensen hun geluk of zelfs je medemens zelfs het kleinste grijntje geluk dat ze ervaren willen afbreken zodat de afbreker zich beter kan voelen dan de afgebrokene... dat is geen liefde. Dat is geen warmte. Dat is geen menselijkheid. Dat is niet geven. Dat is zelfs niet nemen. Dat is zelfs hetgeen bestaat niet zomaar laten maar totaal afbreken...
Vandaag is echt de allereerste keer in heel mijn leven, dat ik onder 'vrienden' zulks ervaar. Mijn hart is kapot, maar weer gelijmd mijn brokken, want er is altijd LJ :). En er is altijd mijn familie, vooral mijn moeder. Er is altijd mijn vrienden in België die zelfs niet aan zoiets kunnen denken...
Dat is wel liefde. Dat is wel warmte. Dat is geven. Onvoorwaardelijk.
Wat heb ik hieruit geleerd? Uit mijn eigen fouten weer. Moet ik mijn hart nu afsluiten? Nochtans ben ik met de jaren tijd kieskeuriger geworden. Maar blijkbaar heb ik het verkeerd ingeschat.
Ach ja, een beetje teleurstelling op het einde van mijn trip in Korea... Het is er maar eentje hoor, wees gerust, die ga ik een tijdje niet meer zien voor zover mij betreft. Het is te ver gegaan. Niemand verdient zo behandeld te worden, ook ik niet, ik die toch wel wat verdragen kan als het neer komt op slikken van mijn eigen emoties.
Ach ja, zo weer voorbij. Gelukkig zijn er hier nog een aantal mensen hier in Korea waar ik terecht kan. Mensen die positief zijn. En je niet de dieperik intrekken. Vanavond naar een dansvoorstelling van de mensen van mijn dansschool hier in Seoul en dan afspreken met een andere vriend. Nog enkele dagen te gaan. En dan ben is mijn hart weer volledig 'veilig'... Echt waar :))
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Already finals
Dear friends... it's not that I don't write anything that I don't have anything to say, actually it's the other way around... so many things I want to capture on screen, in words, but don't find the time and sometimes the energy to do so...
Truth is, I have been absorbed and focussed on only a few things while I am here in Korea : dance (class), friends and study. That's actually about it. Compared to spring semester, I deepened my activity and intensity around those these things that are important in my Korean life, leaving not much space for superficialness. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing, because it takes a lot of energy and time to do that but the merits is, that you do build up a good relationship with just a few people that are called your close friends for the short stay here, the merit is you do evolve in your skills of what you're passionate about like my dance and my Korean language. It all takes time. And sacrifice of other things. Especially if you want to do too much.
Anyway a bit of thoughts because I am in the midst of my final exams again, trying to study as best as I can, because language is really the key to the people's heart and daily life. And as people know me, I am quite hard core when it comes to study ;p. FIGHTING!!!!
Truth is, I have been absorbed and focussed on only a few things while I am here in Korea : dance (class), friends and study. That's actually about it. Compared to spring semester, I deepened my activity and intensity around those these things that are important in my Korean life, leaving not much space for superficialness. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing, because it takes a lot of energy and time to do that but the merits is, that you do build up a good relationship with just a few people that are called your close friends for the short stay here, the merit is you do evolve in your skills of what you're passionate about like my dance and my Korean language. It all takes time. And sacrifice of other things. Especially if you want to do too much.
Anyway a bit of thoughts because I am in the midst of my final exams again, trying to study as best as I can, because language is really the key to the people's heart and daily life. And as people know me, I am quite hard core when it comes to study ;p. FIGHTING!!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Emotional roller coaster
People back home have been asking me lately if I am doing well in Korea... Actually I am, only thing that has been keeping me busy lately is the preparation of my finals starting next week Friday and ending the week after Tuesday and after that leaving me less than one week to do all the things I want to do, before I leave Korea and my friends here (forever?).
Too bad I don't have much time left after my finals, cause my last weeks will be like studying and trying to say goodbye here to everyone in a proper way and spend some quality time together with friends.
I have been in an emotional roller coaster lately, partly because I don't have a good medium any longer to let go of my negative energy - my dance courses ended and I don't go out to dance that often either - so letting me no choice than go jogging again. Actually this week I went jogging at night again, IN THE RAIN - I know that's asking for trouble, but I just could not stay in my room so I just went. In the rain. But I don't care... I mean I didn't care, but now I am stuck with a cough again. It's my own stupid fault, but I really enjoyed my run :).
Ah, also two days ago KBS2 - Korean broadcasting - came to our dormitory to shoot something for a program, so I will be on Korean TV coming Monday around 6:35pm Korean time... at least that's what they said.
And... as for the rest... lot of things to tell... but no time to write them down.
I just wrote my first Korean poem - I am not showing it cause it's quite personal - but I know how far I must have got in my emo-mood to create a poem. But that's nothing to worry about either. Cause I don't have the time and energy to stay emo. Cause there's the finals waiting ahead for me, so I am preparing myself for that and isolating myself from the outer world.
And in about 2 weeks... I will say goodbye to my dear friends here, but there are dear friends back in Belgium to catch my fall. Love you all.
Too bad I don't have much time left after my finals, cause my last weeks will be like studying and trying to say goodbye here to everyone in a proper way and spend some quality time together with friends.
I have been in an emotional roller coaster lately, partly because I don't have a good medium any longer to let go of my negative energy - my dance courses ended and I don't go out to dance that often either - so letting me no choice than go jogging again. Actually this week I went jogging at night again, IN THE RAIN - I know that's asking for trouble, but I just could not stay in my room so I just went. In the rain. But I don't care... I mean I didn't care, but now I am stuck with a cough again. It's my own stupid fault, but I really enjoyed my run :).
Ah, also two days ago KBS2 - Korean broadcasting - came to our dormitory to shoot something for a program, so I will be on Korean TV coming Monday around 6:35pm Korean time... at least that's what they said.
And... as for the rest... lot of things to tell... but no time to write them down.
I just wrote my first Korean poem - I am not showing it cause it's quite personal - but I know how far I must have got in my emo-mood to create a poem. But that's nothing to worry about either. Cause I don't have the time and energy to stay emo. Cause there's the finals waiting ahead for me, so I am preparing myself for that and isolating myself from the outer world.
And in about 2 weeks... I will say goodbye to my dear friends here, but there are dear friends back in Belgium to catch my fall. Love you all.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My ice cold BUTT
oKAY... I have to admit that I've been neglecting my blog ever since school started since the beginning of October... Let's make a jump of about 1,5 month... I just came back from another mid night jog... I realize I tend to write more after a jog, because during that time lots of things pass through my mind, and not necessary bad things....
The weather has changed suddenly at the beginning of this week making a jump of 10°C by daytime to freezing point and even under 0°C these last few days. From tomorrow on the temperature will rise again above zero. The beautiful red, yellow and light green colored autumn leaves are making place for bold trees... A lot of ginkgo trees in the street just before the university lost their leaves from Sunday through Monday and Tuesday, transforming the sidewalk into a nice soft carpet of light green colored ginkgo leaves.
Autumn is changing into winter. And I just came back from a jog, I would not mention it, if I did not think it was special, because it's the first time I jogged at such low temperature -6°C. I never thought I would do it, but as I am used to myself being in Korea, when I feel like doing something, I just know I should try it. These few days, I have been inside my room after school for studying, preparing myself for the final exam at the beginning of December. So feeling claustrophobic in my room again. And by the way, I started a session of 2 till 3 times per week improvisation dance classes near Seoul National University, but the sessions ended last week, and I am still waiting for news for the next series of sessions.... Without those dance sessions, I really feel the urge to do something physically, even at this low temperature.
So... I just went... it was not hard at all. Not even hard to breathe. I think I kind of habituated my body to movement en physical exercises, as even now, I don't get tired nor exhausted. My body is in harmony with my spirit, and my spirit with the music in my ears. Of course, today I was accompanied by Manu Chao, 10CC, Think of One and even Björk shouting some very nice warm and lively music, making me warm inside, not feeling any of the freezing cold outside. The jog was incredible as ever. I sometimes live on the endorphines that my body creates, sometimes it's even scary to realize that I don't even get physically tired anymore after such exercise.
But I do feel something, now when I am back in my cozy warm room. My whole body is now adapting again to the warmth and my BUTT is still ICY cold and tinseling... I think I just hit the shower and get ready for a nice night under my blankets and dream about the nice warm weather in California ;p
I think about home a lot. Just in case some might wonder. Lots of things have happened... Back in Belgium, also my small adventures here. But on the general, I am feeling positive and becoming more and more the LT that I've always wanted to be, so I am doing really fine now. Except for the missing of my core of my existence that has even been the reason of my existence : my husband and my family and friends. I know, even though we all live far from each other, distance doesn't make it less valuable or less strong. On the contrary...
The weather has changed suddenly at the beginning of this week making a jump of 10°C by daytime to freezing point and even under 0°C these last few days. From tomorrow on the temperature will rise again above zero. The beautiful red, yellow and light green colored autumn leaves are making place for bold trees... A lot of ginkgo trees in the street just before the university lost their leaves from Sunday through Monday and Tuesday, transforming the sidewalk into a nice soft carpet of light green colored ginkgo leaves.
Autumn is changing into winter. And I just came back from a jog, I would not mention it, if I did not think it was special, because it's the first time I jogged at such low temperature -6°C. I never thought I would do it, but as I am used to myself being in Korea, when I feel like doing something, I just know I should try it. These few days, I have been inside my room after school for studying, preparing myself for the final exam at the beginning of December. So feeling claustrophobic in my room again. And by the way, I started a session of 2 till 3 times per week improvisation dance classes near Seoul National University, but the sessions ended last week, and I am still waiting for news for the next series of sessions.... Without those dance sessions, I really feel the urge to do something physically, even at this low temperature.
So... I just went... it was not hard at all. Not even hard to breathe. I think I kind of habituated my body to movement en physical exercises, as even now, I don't get tired nor exhausted. My body is in harmony with my spirit, and my spirit with the music in my ears. Of course, today I was accompanied by Manu Chao, 10CC, Think of One and even Björk shouting some very nice warm and lively music, making me warm inside, not feeling any of the freezing cold outside. The jog was incredible as ever. I sometimes live on the endorphines that my body creates, sometimes it's even scary to realize that I don't even get physically tired anymore after such exercise.
But I do feel something, now when I am back in my cozy warm room. My whole body is now adapting again to the warmth and my BUTT is still ICY cold and tinseling... I think I just hit the shower and get ready for a nice night under my blankets and dream about the nice warm weather in California ;p
I think about home a lot. Just in case some might wonder. Lots of things have happened... Back in Belgium, also my small adventures here. But on the general, I am feeling positive and becoming more and more the LT that I've always wanted to be, so I am doing really fine now. Except for the missing of my core of my existence that has even been the reason of my existence : my husband and my family and friends. I know, even though we all live far from each other, distance doesn't make it less valuable or less strong. On the contrary...
Friday, October 03, 2008
One day of Busan International Film Festival
Crazy, crazy... I have been at the Busan Film Festival for the whole day, mainly chasing after tickets. Because the 5+1 combo that I bought yesterday, are just plastic cards where you have to scratch some kind of code like the one you use for charging your 'pay and go' cell phone... Just I could not find out how to use it through the internet, although I tried several buttons on the referred site - ALL IN KOREAN.
It's really crazy because I am getting the wrong information all over how to purchase a ticket. Althought the website of the festival does have an English section, still it's not always that clear how the ticketing system is working. I do understand that you can book online, by cell phone and even at a bank. Have not tried it yet.
I almost panicked today, because at the ticket booth of the cinema, they told me I could only use my pre bought cards for the outside screenings, which are running only in the afternoon... And I am only staying here untill tomorrow evening, I think.
Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I finally purchased a ticket for the first screening around 10 in the morning but not for the movie that I wanted to see - everything was sold out - so I just payed with cash at the ticket exchanging boot where people want to get rid of the tickets they are not planning to see... It was a Malaysian animation movie 'Budak Lapok' that I really enjoyed a lot.
For the screening around noon everything was sold out, so I just bought randomly 2 tickets for the late afternoon and evening screening - ANYTHING - would be fine, as long as I had my movies to watch... And this time I could use my plastic code cards to pay.
Because I had some time in between, I decided to go back to the beach, have some lunch, and relax, because the morning chasing after tickets was quite stressful... hahaha, who am I to talk about stress anyway ;p.
My afternoon at the beach was really THE MAX and I enjoyed the sun on my skin, as maybe the only Asian girl around who wants to get a sun tan. Crazy, crazy, they would call me. And I would not have been to the sea if I did not plunge my feet into the ocean blue water... Hmmmm.. I was happy on my golden beach.... with at least of 1.000 people surrounding me.
By late afternoon I went back to the same cinema, where I watched a movie about the Korean Olympic Female Handball Team in Athens 2004 'Forever the moment'. Sounds boring, a movie about sports, but actually it was not all about sports...It was about team spirit, female bonding, hope and not giving up. Women territory : the director was a woman who held a small press conference after the movie together with 2 of the main actresses... Hahaha, I finally met some famous Korean actresses and I was actually standing in the front line, because I had my own English translator next to me. Glad I raised my hand when some lady asked if someone needed Englis translation on which I could stand in the front line next to her, at less than 10 meters from the celebreties, actually I was standing at the doorway, so I say all of them coming in... Actually I could have touched them, theoretically, but that would be a bit too crazy. I am exagerating.
Before the last screening I looked for my dinner and watched a Thai animated movie about Buddha, called *Buddha* - of course. Very colorful cartoon but a little bit too long, because more than half of the dialogues preached Buddha's life filosophy.
What did I learn? Desire and possession are the main cause of suffering...
Time is running out. I am going to try to purchase my ticket at some night shops... My last chance for tomorrows screenings and then I am leaving Busan for some remoted island I think...
pictures will be posted later.... I know it's boring to read without pictures.
It's really crazy because I am getting the wrong information all over how to purchase a ticket. Althought the website of the festival does have an English section, still it's not always that clear how the ticketing system is working. I do understand that you can book online, by cell phone and even at a bank. Have not tried it yet.
I almost panicked today, because at the ticket booth of the cinema, they told me I could only use my pre bought cards for the outside screenings, which are running only in the afternoon... And I am only staying here untill tomorrow evening, I think.
Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I finally purchased a ticket for the first screening around 10 in the morning but not for the movie that I wanted to see - everything was sold out - so I just payed with cash at the ticket exchanging boot where people want to get rid of the tickets they are not planning to see... It was a Malaysian animation movie 'Budak Lapok' that I really enjoyed a lot.
For the screening around noon everything was sold out, so I just bought randomly 2 tickets for the late afternoon and evening screening - ANYTHING - would be fine, as long as I had my movies to watch... And this time I could use my plastic code cards to pay.
Because I had some time in between, I decided to go back to the beach, have some lunch, and relax, because the morning chasing after tickets was quite stressful... hahaha, who am I to talk about stress anyway ;p.
My afternoon at the beach was really THE MAX and I enjoyed the sun on my skin, as maybe the only Asian girl around who wants to get a sun tan. Crazy, crazy, they would call me. And I would not have been to the sea if I did not plunge my feet into the ocean blue water... Hmmmm.. I was happy on my golden beach.... with at least of 1.000 people surrounding me.
By late afternoon I went back to the same cinema, where I watched a movie about the Korean Olympic Female Handball Team in Athens 2004 'Forever the moment'. Sounds boring, a movie about sports, but actually it was not all about sports...It was about team spirit, female bonding, hope and not giving up. Women territory : the director was a woman who held a small press conference after the movie together with 2 of the main actresses... Hahaha, I finally met some famous Korean actresses and I was actually standing in the front line, because I had my own English translator next to me. Glad I raised my hand when some lady asked if someone needed Englis translation on which I could stand in the front line next to her, at less than 10 meters from the celebreties, actually I was standing at the doorway, so I say all of them coming in... Actually I could have touched them, theoretically, but that would be a bit too crazy. I am exagerating.
Before the last screening I looked for my dinner and watched a Thai animated movie about Buddha, called *Buddha* - of course. Very colorful cartoon but a little bit too long, because more than half of the dialogues preached Buddha's life filosophy.
What did I learn? Desire and possession are the main cause of suffering...
Time is running out. I am going to try to purchase my ticket at some night shops... My last chance for tomorrows screenings and then I am leaving Busan for some remoted island I think...
pictures will be posted later.... I know it's boring to read without pictures.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Change of hiking policy
(pictures will be updated later...)
Today was the first day for the Pusan International Film Festival. I wanted to get up early in the morning but eventually I opened my eyes not earlier than 9am, because I fell asleep very late at night, because I was not sure what I was going to do today. And reading in my Lonely Planet guide as well. And a little bit scared in my room, so I slept with the light on, because I suddenly was thinking about those scary Korean - and Japanese - horror movies when I heard some noise under my room... BWEEEK.
I wanted to try to get to the ticketboot at Haeundae Beach where you have one of Korea's finest beaches. Actually coming unprepared for the film festival is not really smart, but as nothing was really planned with this trip, it's once more an exciting adventure when hopping from one place to another. Especially with nice weather like today, the ocean colored tropical blue, like the ones you have when you see pictures of a tropical paradise with palm trees. I wonder if the weather in Busan is a bit nicer than in Seoul, because it's located more southwards...
Haeundae is actually a nice place to hang out, with the gold colored sandy beach, the nice promenade, the yacht harbor, ... people where playing on the beach, suntanning - the foreigners of course, not the Koreans ;p. I arrived at the information stand of the PIFF at the beach, but they told me to go to another ticket booth at about 30 minutes by foot to the yacht harbor. So in the heat of the noon - I did loose a lot of time because I got a bit lost again - I finally found the right ticket booth and people were already in line waiting till it opened. Today's opening film would be the world premiere of 'The gift to Stalin', but you had to reservate the ticket in advance, somewhere in September; there were only 300 seats left for today's premiere, but I did not feel to stand in line for that. So I just went up to the information counter next to the ticket booth, to ask if I just can buy some 5+1 combo ticket for the normal 'screening' in the next few days, but the people told me there that I had to come back within 2 hours, because they were not really open yet. With very sad puppy eyes I looked at the youngster and told them that I will not be back by evening because I wanted to go hiking today. A friendly youngster gave her boss a call to ask if she could make an exeption for me - because I am foreigner - to buy the combo ticket before opening time. Luckily I had enough cash too, so I was set :)). And of I went to my next destination of the day : Beomeosa Temple and Geumjeong Mountain in the north of Busan.
It was a long ride by subway to the surroundings of the temple, because it's located somewhere in the mountains. Bought 3 rolls of kimbab on my way and was running to the local bus to the temple that was about to drive off the parking lot. Lucky me :).
Beomeosa is a Buddhist Temple complex up hill to Geumjeong Mountain. Surrounded by nature, it's a very popular place to visit, especially during weekends. I was lucky as well there was some kind of festival going on there, with life traditional music and sing performances. It's the biggest temple complex I have seen up to know in Korea. And most beautiful one too up to now.
As an outsider it's possible to stay in the temple as well, experiencing the daily life of the monks living here, cleansing your soul or just to medidate and reflect about your life. Too bad that's it's only in the weekends and you have to make a reservation in advance as well.
I don't know what it really is, I always find the atmosphere around a buddhist temple very serene and inspiring. I also like the colorful lanterns and lillies as well, hanging cheerfully along the way towards the temple complex gate.
As I am not a practising buddhist, but my mum is, I don't always bow in front of Buddha's statue. My mother would kille me if she found out. I just don't always feel comfortable doing it. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. I think, you have to feel it, to believe or to surrender.
But last time that I was at a buddhist temple in Korea, during a road trip with friends to Andong, Donghae and Seoraksan National Park, somewhere along we visited a temple complex too. I remembered, that time, I felt a bit lonely and sad. Maybe because I have been gone so long, that far from LJ and my family. Although I was surrounded with friends, I just really needed a little space and time on my own, so I just entered the temple, to be quiet. And reflect. I got all emotional up there, feeling that I was complety transparent towards the 'one' that is all mightier than all of us and can see everything, who ever that might be or what name he or she is called. God, Buddha, Allah, THE FORCE ;p. At that very moment, I just felt very tired and I just wanted to let it all go. Don't ask me why. Some ghosts from the past maybe, hahaha.
Today I felt okay. And I had another destination too : to go up to the mountain top :). The trail led towards the northern gate of a fortress wall, a medium streneous hike in my opinion, not as hard as Dobongsan or Bukhansan in Seoul. But 'damn' I always get out of breath during the first 20 minutes, wondering again why I am challenging myself always like this.
Actually it was quite late - passed 3 afternoon - as well when I started to go up, due to my inefficient use of time at Haeundae Beach. Arriving at the northern gate it was already passed 4 pm, wondering if I still should climb up to make sure I would not end up in the dark on my way back. Eventually I did go and actually I am glad I did.
There were not many people at that time to go up, so I was kind of on my own. Most people were going down, giving me those 'faces' again : 'why is that agasshi - young lady - going up all by herself?'... I do get that impression a lot, and even some people ask me if I am travelling on my own. To be honest, I really don't like those faces, because it feels like they are pitying me that I own my own, having no friends, hahaha... But actually, yeah I AM alone now. Getting more and more used to it, I am afraid.
I arrived at the top when the sun was setting. WaaaaAAAW, I am always amazed every time I am standing somewhere on a summit, with view on all the surroundings : beautiful nature, a city in miniature, the sun setting. It sight of today could not be more perfect.
At the top, there was only a very friendly middle aged old man, whom I asked to take a picture of me. I asked him if it was wise to continue my hike towards the eastern and southern gate of the fortress wall, but he advised me not to because it would take me too long and I would end up in dark by the end. He even proposed to go together with me if I wanted to, because that would be much safer than alone. For once I let my ambition for what it was and chose for the 'safer' way. Just the same road back down.
Because I had some time left, I stayed at the top for about 30 or 45 minutes, enjoying one of the most magnificent views I have ever experienced : sitting at a top, my face towards the west, looking the sun setting, nobody around, enjoying my lunch-dinner rolls of kimbab... I changed my policy of hiking from 'banana-chocolate-bread' to 'kimbab' at a mountain top, at least in Korea ;p. Took a lot of pictures; while the sun was setting, the granite rocks texture and color palet changed from bright to deep dark gold.
I had the feeling, just for that moment, that beautiful piece of nature, the surroundings, the views belonged to me :). Could not enough of it. I would stay forever like that if I could.
Every dream has its ending so eventually I had to go down. On my way down I met another man, who told me to go down slowly because I might fall. I was rushing, because half my way down, the sun was already behind the mountain and from that moment one, it would get dark quickly. As some know, I am night blind... something I have experienced not so long time ago during an unbelievably EXCITING AND ADVENTUROUS hike on our way down somewhere in Yosemite National Park, with my friends from Belgium.
Today, I came back safe and sound, before everything turned black in my eyes. Satisfied and still impressed, I took the bus and subway back to my motel to freshen up myself and bought myself a delicious 'black bean' Jajang cup noodle. Today I did not feel to eat by myself. Around 9 pm I got out again to another area of Busan - Seomyeon. The eternally flashing neon signs, the crowdy atmosphere was giving me the impression again that the city is nothing but shops. It could have been Seoul or anywhere else in Korea. Completely incontrast with the serene mountain atmosphere I experienced earlier today.
Anyway, I got myself a nice kiwi smoothie and headed back home after one hour, now, sitting here at the 'pc-hub' again, still having 23 minutes left before my credit is used.
Don't know where I am heading to tomorrow, nor if I am going to stay the whole weekend here in the South... I really would like to, but I kind of want to go back to. I just packed for 3 days of clothes, socks and undies... We will see. Tomorrow is a new day. I am looking forward to it :)).
Today was the first day for the Pusan International Film Festival. I wanted to get up early in the morning but eventually I opened my eyes not earlier than 9am, because I fell asleep very late at night, because I was not sure what I was going to do today. And reading in my Lonely Planet guide as well. And a little bit scared in my room, so I slept with the light on, because I suddenly was thinking about those scary Korean - and Japanese - horror movies when I heard some noise under my room... BWEEEK.
I wanted to try to get to the ticketboot at Haeundae Beach where you have one of Korea's finest beaches. Actually coming unprepared for the film festival is not really smart, but as nothing was really planned with this trip, it's once more an exciting adventure when hopping from one place to another. Especially with nice weather like today, the ocean colored tropical blue, like the ones you have when you see pictures of a tropical paradise with palm trees. I wonder if the weather in Busan is a bit nicer than in Seoul, because it's located more southwards...
Haeundae is actually a nice place to hang out, with the gold colored sandy beach, the nice promenade, the yacht harbor, ... people where playing on the beach, suntanning - the foreigners of course, not the Koreans ;p. I arrived at the information stand of the PIFF at the beach, but they told me to go to another ticket booth at about 30 minutes by foot to the yacht harbor. So in the heat of the noon - I did loose a lot of time because I got a bit lost again - I finally found the right ticket booth and people were already in line waiting till it opened. Today's opening film would be the world premiere of 'The gift to Stalin', but you had to reservate the ticket in advance, somewhere in September; there were only 300 seats left for today's premiere, but I did not feel to stand in line for that. So I just went up to the information counter next to the ticket booth, to ask if I just can buy some 5+1 combo ticket for the normal 'screening' in the next few days, but the people told me there that I had to come back within 2 hours, because they were not really open yet. With very sad puppy eyes I looked at the youngster and told them that I will not be back by evening because I wanted to go hiking today. A friendly youngster gave her boss a call to ask if she could make an exeption for me - because I am foreigner - to buy the combo ticket before opening time. Luckily I had enough cash too, so I was set :)). And of I went to my next destination of the day : Beomeosa Temple and Geumjeong Mountain in the north of Busan.
It was a long ride by subway to the surroundings of the temple, because it's located somewhere in the mountains. Bought 3 rolls of kimbab on my way and was running to the local bus to the temple that was about to drive off the parking lot. Lucky me :).
Beomeosa is a Buddhist Temple complex up hill to Geumjeong Mountain. Surrounded by nature, it's a very popular place to visit, especially during weekends. I was lucky as well there was some kind of festival going on there, with life traditional music and sing performances. It's the biggest temple complex I have seen up to know in Korea. And most beautiful one too up to now.
As an outsider it's possible to stay in the temple as well, experiencing the daily life of the monks living here, cleansing your soul or just to medidate and reflect about your life. Too bad that's it's only in the weekends and you have to make a reservation in advance as well.
I don't know what it really is, I always find the atmosphere around a buddhist temple very serene and inspiring. I also like the colorful lanterns and lillies as well, hanging cheerfully along the way towards the temple complex gate.
As I am not a practising buddhist, but my mum is, I don't always bow in front of Buddha's statue. My mother would kille me if she found out. I just don't always feel comfortable doing it. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. I think, you have to feel it, to believe or to surrender.
But last time that I was at a buddhist temple in Korea, during a road trip with friends to Andong, Donghae and Seoraksan National Park, somewhere along we visited a temple complex too. I remembered, that time, I felt a bit lonely and sad. Maybe because I have been gone so long, that far from LJ and my family. Although I was surrounded with friends, I just really needed a little space and time on my own, so I just entered the temple, to be quiet. And reflect. I got all emotional up there, feeling that I was complety transparent towards the 'one' that is all mightier than all of us and can see everything, who ever that might be or what name he or she is called. God, Buddha, Allah, THE FORCE ;p. At that very moment, I just felt very tired and I just wanted to let it all go. Don't ask me why. Some ghosts from the past maybe, hahaha.
Today I felt okay. And I had another destination too : to go up to the mountain top :). The trail led towards the northern gate of a fortress wall, a medium streneous hike in my opinion, not as hard as Dobongsan or Bukhansan in Seoul. But 'damn' I always get out of breath during the first 20 minutes, wondering again why I am challenging myself always like this.
Actually it was quite late - passed 3 afternoon - as well when I started to go up, due to my inefficient use of time at Haeundae Beach. Arriving at the northern gate it was already passed 4 pm, wondering if I still should climb up to make sure I would not end up in the dark on my way back. Eventually I did go and actually I am glad I did.
There were not many people at that time to go up, so I was kind of on my own. Most people were going down, giving me those 'faces' again : 'why is that agasshi - young lady - going up all by herself?'... I do get that impression a lot, and even some people ask me if I am travelling on my own. To be honest, I really don't like those faces, because it feels like they are pitying me that I own my own, having no friends, hahaha... But actually, yeah I AM alone now. Getting more and more used to it, I am afraid.
I arrived at the top when the sun was setting. WaaaaAAAW, I am always amazed every time I am standing somewhere on a summit, with view on all the surroundings : beautiful nature, a city in miniature, the sun setting. It sight of today could not be more perfect.
At the top, there was only a very friendly middle aged old man, whom I asked to take a picture of me. I asked him if it was wise to continue my hike towards the eastern and southern gate of the fortress wall, but he advised me not to because it would take me too long and I would end up in dark by the end. He even proposed to go together with me if I wanted to, because that would be much safer than alone. For once I let my ambition for what it was and chose for the 'safer' way. Just the same road back down.
Because I had some time left, I stayed at the top for about 30 or 45 minutes, enjoying one of the most magnificent views I have ever experienced : sitting at a top, my face towards the west, looking the sun setting, nobody around, enjoying my lunch-dinner rolls of kimbab... I changed my policy of hiking from 'banana-chocolate-bread' to 'kimbab' at a mountain top, at least in Korea ;p. Took a lot of pictures; while the sun was setting, the granite rocks texture and color palet changed from bright to deep dark gold.
I had the feeling, just for that moment, that beautiful piece of nature, the surroundings, the views belonged to me :). Could not enough of it. I would stay forever like that if I could.
Every dream has its ending so eventually I had to go down. On my way down I met another man, who told me to go down slowly because I might fall. I was rushing, because half my way down, the sun was already behind the mountain and from that moment one, it would get dark quickly. As some know, I am night blind... something I have experienced not so long time ago during an unbelievably EXCITING AND ADVENTUROUS hike on our way down somewhere in Yosemite National Park, with my friends from Belgium.
Today, I came back safe and sound, before everything turned black in my eyes. Satisfied and still impressed, I took the bus and subway back to my motel to freshen up myself and bought myself a delicious 'black bean' Jajang cup noodle. Today I did not feel to eat by myself. Around 9 pm I got out again to another area of Busan - Seomyeon. The eternally flashing neon signs, the crowdy atmosphere was giving me the impression again that the city is nothing but shops. It could have been Seoul or anywhere else in Korea. Completely incontrast with the serene mountain atmosphere I experienced earlier today.
Anyway, I got myself a nice kiwi smoothie and headed back home after one hour, now, sitting here at the 'pc-hub' again, still having 23 minutes left before my credit is used.
Don't know where I am heading to tomorrow, nor if I am going to stay the whole weekend here in the South... I really would like to, but I kind of want to go back to. I just packed for 3 days of clothes, socks and undies... We will see. Tomorrow is a new day. I am looking forward to it :)).
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Trippin' on my own :)
WaaaaHAAAAW. Never experienced a supersize computerscreen like the one currently in front of me and sitting in a very nice leather chear with comfortable head cushion. I really feel like the president of some company sitting lazy behind HER desk - my thoughts are alway emancipated ;p - leaning backwards while typing. NO, I am not at my small room at Crimson House in Seoul. I am at some internet room, somewhere in Busan. Actually, today I suddenly decided to do a trip on my own to the South of Korea... because I felt like it. And it goes like this...
This morning I had my Korean level test at Korea University. Since I came back to Korea 2 weeks ago, I have been studying and from time to time did some exploring around Seoul and met some friends as well. But not very much. My main focus was still studying, because this will be the last time that I will be here and I wanted to at least enter at intermediate level 3. Last spring semester I started level '1.5' meaning that I graduated at level '2.5' in June. But because there are no half levels anylonger at the language center of Korea University starting from this semester, people from '2,5' have to follow 2 in the next semester. The same with my classmates who continued in summer semester : they graduated with level 3,5 in September but this semester they have to drop back to level '3'... anyway... My point is : back in the US and here I have been studying on myself in order to get to level '3'. Studying a language on yourself is nice, but if you don't really have someone to talk to but yourself, you don't really notice weather you have made progress or not. Luckily I did... at least a lot better than my level test in March.
So today in the morning I did my written level test and had my interview. Everything went quite smoothly and the examinator told me I could start without problem at level 3. YES. YES. My efforts really paid off :)). The sun was shining, autumn at his best, not too cold, not too hold. I headed home afterwards but I did not really know what I was going to do the next few days, now I can really take some time 'off' from my books.
So, I called LJ, and asked him what I should do... I really felt like going away for a while, because I have been in Seoul too long time and I really have to grab the opportunity to travel while the weather is still warm and they did not forecast rain at all this week.
So while talking to my husband online, I packed my backpack with the most necessary stuff I would be needing for the coming 3 days : a new set of clothes, underwear, jacket, pocket knife, toothbrush and paste, towel, adapter for my camera, two bottles of water, and... actually that's about it. And my Lonely Planet guide and my diary of course... I never have packed this light and went on a travel with only a small backpack. And for the first time really ON MY OWN... If you don't count in Vancouver. I did not even take my handbag with me. Put on my light hiking shoes - they are feather light and unbelievably comfortable - and off I was to Seoul Station, destination : Busan.
The moment I walked out of the door of my dormitory, I really felt FREE. Free to go and stand where I want to. Actually travelling on your own is not that hard, as long as you keep open minded and not being afraid all the time. Having a positive attitude is helping a lot too, and of course I try to be carefull and not to do stupid things like going out at night at the Russian quarter in Busan.
I arrived at Seoul Station around 2pm...just in time to catch the high speed KTX train to Busan of 2.15pm. I was lucky. The trip was very comfortable, the higs speed train travels silently and there were not too many people on the train either.
A trip of almost three hours took me from the north to the south of Korea : green mountains, yellow colored ricefields, small villages, the nature preparing for autumn colors. The sky was clear with just a few white clouds, gold colored sunshine throught the train windows on my arms, on my face, I felt blessed to be on my way :).
It's not my first time in Busan, I was here as well last time with LJ on our way to Jeju Island. Arriving at Busan station, I went to the tourist information counter to get me a map and asked if they could contact one of the motels - bit outside of downtown - I had in mind to stay. I was lucky, there was still a room free for 2 nights. An old lady '할머니' showed me the way to the room and I was not disappointed at all : I got an 'ondol 언얼' room, which means a traditional Korean room where you have to sleep on the ground on a mat. The room is actually even bigger then my room at my student house. The bathroom was very clean as well and it even had a bath. In the hall way there was some free tea and instant coffee. The room was actually way much better than I expected, although my Lonely Planet guide was not really enthousiastic about this place. I still don't get why...
I noticed that my motel is in a quite 'safe' area, surrounded by a lot of embassies and banks. A lot of small convenience stores, small eateries coffee shops as well, supplying the office workers by daytime. And just at 1 minute walk from my motel, there is this 'PC 방' where I pay only 1 doller per hour internet. I am glad I did not take my laptop along.
After unloading my backpack I walked to downtown. It was dawn and the city was preparing for its night life. On of the reason I came to Busan again was because of the Pusan International Film Festival, hoping to still get some tickets for some of the performances. It officially starts tomorrow, but actually tonight I already witnessed the opening ceremony at the festival square. There were a few famous directors and actors attending the ceremony, but to be honest I did not know any of them. I better look it up and brag about this afterwards - me having seen some Korean celebreties, hahaha ;p.
After the ceremony, I went to a small pastry house, where I knew they had very delicious espresso and pastries. Hmmm... although I am traveling on my own, I do enjoy every moment of the trip. I had some kind of berry-chocolate mousse cake. YUM YUM. And I did not even had dinner before.
BUT dinner, was actually even better. I was thinking of having a simple meal like soup with rice and side dishes, then I suddenly passed an eatery where they had a combo '영양돌솥비빔밥 + 해물찌개' - a traditional purple colored rice in a sizzling stone pot with spicy seafood soup... and top of the top, I got 10 - yes TEN - side dishes all for myself among which one whole fried fish. Having such a royal meal I really felt being the Queen of the world. Hahaha. I did not even have to share my food :).
Busan with its big harbor it THE place to have fresh seafood of all kinds... Last time in June I ate live octopus with LJ : tentakels still moving in your mouth while eating. Exquisite, delicious and irreplaceble experience... really.
Because it was already late when I came out of the eatery, I decided to head 'homewards' passing Busan Tower where I had a magnificent night view from the top observatory. Of course, I was the only person being there on my own, because at this time this is the romantic hang out place for couples. At the observatory I met a Chinese lady talking Korean and a Korean man talking Chinese and took some pictures with them.
My first day on my own here in Busan has been really nice. Travelling on your own has its pros and cons. Actually I do like it a lot too. Otherwise I would not be here. Because being on your own, you don't have to divide your attention making the impressions on your way deeper and intenser. Of course, if you want to share some thoughts at a very moment, there's nobody who's listening.
So luckily for me, I found this internet place where I can trash my thoughts. After being silent for the whole day. I still don't know what's on the menu for the next few days. If I don't get any tickets to the Film Festival, I will just go around Busan to hike or visit some temples or islands.
Anyway, for those at home. Don't worry. I will be careful while on the road. I always believe there's someone watching over me.
This morning I had my Korean level test at Korea University. Since I came back to Korea 2 weeks ago, I have been studying and from time to time did some exploring around Seoul and met some friends as well. But not very much. My main focus was still studying, because this will be the last time that I will be here and I wanted to at least enter at intermediate level 3. Last spring semester I started level '1.5' meaning that I graduated at level '2.5' in June. But because there are no half levels anylonger at the language center of Korea University starting from this semester, people from '2,5' have to follow 2 in the next semester. The same with my classmates who continued in summer semester : they graduated with level 3,5 in September but this semester they have to drop back to level '3'... anyway... My point is : back in the US and here I have been studying on myself in order to get to level '3'. Studying a language on yourself is nice, but if you don't really have someone to talk to but yourself, you don't really notice weather you have made progress or not. Luckily I did... at least a lot better than my level test in March.
So today in the morning I did my written level test and had my interview. Everything went quite smoothly and the examinator told me I could start without problem at level 3. YES. YES. My efforts really paid off :)). The sun was shining, autumn at his best, not too cold, not too hold. I headed home afterwards but I did not really know what I was going to do the next few days, now I can really take some time 'off' from my books.
So, I called LJ, and asked him what I should do... I really felt like going away for a while, because I have been in Seoul too long time and I really have to grab the opportunity to travel while the weather is still warm and they did not forecast rain at all this week.
So while talking to my husband online, I packed my backpack with the most necessary stuff I would be needing for the coming 3 days : a new set of clothes, underwear, jacket, pocket knife, toothbrush and paste, towel, adapter for my camera, two bottles of water, and... actually that's about it. And my Lonely Planet guide and my diary of course... I never have packed this light and went on a travel with only a small backpack. And for the first time really ON MY OWN... If you don't count in Vancouver. I did not even take my handbag with me. Put on my light hiking shoes - they are feather light and unbelievably comfortable - and off I was to Seoul Station, destination : Busan.
The moment I walked out of the door of my dormitory, I really felt FREE. Free to go and stand where I want to. Actually travelling on your own is not that hard, as long as you keep open minded and not being afraid all the time. Having a positive attitude is helping a lot too, and of course I try to be carefull and not to do stupid things like going out at night at the Russian quarter in Busan.
I arrived at Seoul Station around 2pm...just in time to catch the high speed KTX train to Busan of 2.15pm. I was lucky. The trip was very comfortable, the higs speed train travels silently and there were not too many people on the train either.
A trip of almost three hours took me from the north to the south of Korea : green mountains, yellow colored ricefields, small villages, the nature preparing for autumn colors. The sky was clear with just a few white clouds, gold colored sunshine throught the train windows on my arms, on my face, I felt blessed to be on my way :).
It's not my first time in Busan, I was here as well last time with LJ on our way to Jeju Island. Arriving at Busan station, I went to the tourist information counter to get me a map and asked if they could contact one of the motels - bit outside of downtown - I had in mind to stay. I was lucky, there was still a room free for 2 nights. An old lady '할머니' showed me the way to the room and I was not disappointed at all : I got an 'ondol 언얼' room, which means a traditional Korean room where you have to sleep on the ground on a mat. The room is actually even bigger then my room at my student house. The bathroom was very clean as well and it even had a bath. In the hall way there was some free tea and instant coffee. The room was actually way much better than I expected, although my Lonely Planet guide was not really enthousiastic about this place. I still don't get why...
I noticed that my motel is in a quite 'safe' area, surrounded by a lot of embassies and banks. A lot of small convenience stores, small eateries coffee shops as well, supplying the office workers by daytime. And just at 1 minute walk from my motel, there is this 'PC 방' where I pay only 1 doller per hour internet. I am glad I did not take my laptop along.
After unloading my backpack I walked to downtown. It was dawn and the city was preparing for its night life. On of the reason I came to Busan again was because of the Pusan International Film Festival, hoping to still get some tickets for some of the performances. It officially starts tomorrow, but actually tonight I already witnessed the opening ceremony at the festival square. There were a few famous directors and actors attending the ceremony, but to be honest I did not know any of them. I better look it up and brag about this afterwards - me having seen some Korean celebreties, hahaha ;p.
After the ceremony, I went to a small pastry house, where I knew they had very delicious espresso and pastries. Hmmm... although I am traveling on my own, I do enjoy every moment of the trip. I had some kind of berry-chocolate mousse cake. YUM YUM. And I did not even had dinner before.
BUT dinner, was actually even better. I was thinking of having a simple meal like soup with rice and side dishes, then I suddenly passed an eatery where they had a combo '영양돌솥비빔밥 + 해물찌개' - a traditional purple colored rice in a sizzling stone pot with spicy seafood soup... and top of the top, I got 10 - yes TEN - side dishes all for myself among which one whole fried fish. Having such a royal meal I really felt being the Queen of the world. Hahaha. I did not even have to share my food :).
Busan with its big harbor it THE place to have fresh seafood of all kinds... Last time in June I ate live octopus with LJ : tentakels still moving in your mouth while eating. Exquisite, delicious and irreplaceble experience... really.
Because it was already late when I came out of the eatery, I decided to head 'homewards' passing Busan Tower where I had a magnificent night view from the top observatory. Of course, I was the only person being there on my own, because at this time this is the romantic hang out place for couples. At the observatory I met a Chinese lady talking Korean and a Korean man talking Chinese and took some pictures with them.
My first day on my own here in Busan has been really nice. Travelling on your own has its pros and cons. Actually I do like it a lot too. Otherwise I would not be here. Because being on your own, you don't have to divide your attention making the impressions on your way deeper and intenser. Of course, if you want to share some thoughts at a very moment, there's nobody who's listening.
So luckily for me, I found this internet place where I can trash my thoughts. After being silent for the whole day. I still don't know what's on the menu for the next few days. If I don't get any tickets to the Film Festival, I will just go around Busan to hike or visit some temples or islands.
Anyway, for those at home. Don't worry. I will be careful while on the road. I always believe there's someone watching over me.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Reunited with 'the guys' in Seoul
Being back in Seoul for about just more than a week, I am finding myself not really in the mood to socialize all the time, compared to my time in Spring this year. I don't know if it's because I still have a lot of impressions I have to organize in that tiny head of mine from my short stay in the US, my Belgian friends coming, my stay in Vancouver just before that, or maybe even all the things that happened here in Seoul back in Spring. Actually I still did not tell everybody that I already arrived in Seoul. Part of me wants to be a little bit on my own, but another part of me is really seeking for human contact. Like now.
Sitting at Dunkin' Donuts zipping a Latte because I have been inside all day - studying in that not even that tiny room of mine : 8 square meters - it could got worse because I got an offer from the manager again for the 4 square meters room this Monday... making me doubting again, recalculating costs, advantages and disadvantages. Eventually LJ convinced me, knowing the person that I am, I would go crazy in a small space. And he was right. I already kind of felt claustrophobic after 12 hours in my room without real human contact. Except for the cleaning lady who's living in the same building too... and with whom I had an interesting discussion in the weekend about 'refrigerators'... in Korean of course.
But, I did meet people in this week that I have returned to Seoul. This Monday I went to the area of Ehwa Women University to meet some of my closest friends here. Seoul's most famous and biggest women university is situated in the heart of the student's district with Hongdae, Sogang and Yonsei university. When you arrive at Ehwa... it's really a funny sight : almost no guys, because this is really WOMEN territory!!! Even the shops around Ehwa University are all women orientated. First I thought that Ehwa was educating emancipated women, but later I found out that women graduating here would major in topics that are even more emphasizing the stereotypical role that women play in this still male orientated society of Korea. I even have heard that there were majors like 'household economy'... making me think : 'Do women go to university even to make a perfect (house)wife in the future? Omg - Oh My God!'
This place is also a very nice hang out for guys for 'beautiful sightseeing' - read : fresh young women ;p. So that's what they were doing, my friends :Sang-yul, Kyoung-ju, Kibashi-san. I am married anyway, so I don't really bother ;p.

Sang-yul just graduated this year from fashion management and now doing internship. His hometown is Daegu, somewhere in the midst of the country. His father owns a middle scale large Hanbok-company - Korean traditional clothing - and he's going to take over that firm in the future. First time that I met him was at the first Crimson House roof party.
I found him a little over energetic at that time. First I thought that he was drunk, but later I found out that he was just like that :). Maybe that's why I like him. And he's not shy to speak at all, nor in English, nor in Korean, nor in body language. My Korean is not good at all, but it is said that after 2 beers your language skills miraculously improve, as well for listing as speaking. I really like his accent of Daegu. Reminds me of 'Limburgs' accent in Belgium : little bit like singing but with a very friendly undertone :). It is said that the accent of Daegu is the most outspoken in Korea.



The other friend is Kyoung-ju who's studying fashion too and wants to become a good fashion designer. Kyoung-ju's nickname is 'Marc Jacobs'. He actually studied computer science at the university at first, but in the end he felt not fitting in that direction so he changed course to what he's always wanted to do : fashion. I think he's very passionate and I know he can handle a needle quite well too. Who knows he might become a celebrated designer one day having models wearing his creations....And last but not least Kibashi-san - a 61 year 'young' Japanese man who's passionate about the Korean language and customs. Although a lot older than us, he's very young-minded and he doesn't mind that we see him as a 'friend' rather than as an elder person. He really likes hanging out with us and we can speak casually to each other. Actually that's not so common either, being an older Japanese man himself. Actually he reminds me a lot of my late father, being the same age and the same kind of spirit. We used to get together all the time, the 4 of us. Dinners, lunches, festivals, pubs even just simple student activities at the campus.

But actually there were the 5 of us, because Heli - the Austrian guy who lived in the same dormitory as me - is now in Austria. My Korean friends say that's not that common to stay closely in contact with a 'Western' foreigner after the period they stay in Korea. And to have such a good friend like Heli, it's just not a common thing. I completely agree with that :).



On this Monday's reunion we talked a lot about our past, mostly about how we met this year. And how the friendship grew within time. Finding it amazing that people with different backgrounds, different nationalities, different interests and even different age could come together and still meet. Even after a break of 3 months. To be honest, we haven't been knowing each other that long before I went back to the US, but we did meet a lot in a short period. Maybe it was the intensity and the nice memories as well that made the difference.
I hope to stay in contact with them after this semester too, because it will be the last time that I go abroad for studying.

Yeah, bringing up those memories from a young past... it's really nice. Luckily LJ met most of my friends in that very short period that he stayed here in Seoul. It was really important for me that he met everybody. My friends liked him a lot and vice versa. Now he can understand the good kind of friends that took care of me here during those 3 months of Seoul daily life.
Because that time being here in Seoul, I really felt like that he was missing out on everything that was happening to me, although we talked almost everyday over the phone. A part of me was missing. That's maybe the reason I tried out a lot of things, I never thought I would do. That's maybe why, I became a bit more full circle here, even without him by my side... just on my own.


Last time in June, just before LJ and I left for traveling to other parts of Korea, we had a last big gathering with dinner and BEER. Some were leaving afterwards to their home country or traveling to other Asian countries.


And the very last day, the night before we left for the US, we had one of the most crazy karaokes EVER with wigs and the right amount portion of melancholy. That time it was just me, LJ, Sang-yul and Kyoung-ju.

Thinking back, yeah, those were really the times : without and with LJ. I am just so happy, I could share that part of my life in Seoul with my husband. Because right now, at moments like this, I just wished he could be here.

But I am not sad right now. Because I am in good hands here :).
So we took some pictures on our reunion on Monday : the 4 of us. Just to be funny and silly - no matter what age : one beautiful picture in an ordinary elevator :)).
Sitting at Dunkin' Donuts zipping a Latte because I have been inside all day - studying in that not even that tiny room of mine : 8 square meters - it could got worse because I got an offer from the manager again for the 4 square meters room this Monday... making me doubting again, recalculating costs, advantages and disadvantages. Eventually LJ convinced me, knowing the person that I am, I would go crazy in a small space. And he was right. I already kind of felt claustrophobic after 12 hours in my room without real human contact. Except for the cleaning lady who's living in the same building too... and with whom I had an interesting discussion in the weekend about 'refrigerators'... in Korean of course.
But, I did meet people in this week that I have returned to Seoul. This Monday I went to the area of Ehwa Women University to meet some of my closest friends here. Seoul's most famous and biggest women university is situated in the heart of the student's district with Hongdae, Sogang and Yonsei university. When you arrive at Ehwa... it's really a funny sight : almost no guys, because this is really WOMEN territory!!! Even the shops around Ehwa University are all women orientated. First I thought that Ehwa was educating emancipated women, but later I found out that women graduating here would major in topics that are even more emphasizing the stereotypical role that women play in this still male orientated society of Korea. I even have heard that there were majors like 'household economy'... making me think : 'Do women go to university even to make a perfect (house)wife in the future? Omg - Oh My God!'
This place is also a very nice hang out for guys for 'beautiful sightseeing' - read : fresh young women ;p. So that's what they were doing, my friends :Sang-yul, Kyoung-ju, Kibashi-san. I am married anyway, so I don't really bother ;p.
Sang-yul just graduated this year from fashion management and now doing internship. His hometown is Daegu, somewhere in the midst of the country. His father owns a middle scale large Hanbok-company - Korean traditional clothing - and he's going to take over that firm in the future. First time that I met him was at the first Crimson House roof party.
The other friend is Kyoung-ju who's studying fashion too and wants to become a good fashion designer. Kyoung-ju's nickname is 'Marc Jacobs'. He actually studied computer science at the university at first, but in the end he felt not fitting in that direction so he changed course to what he's always wanted to do : fashion. I think he's very passionate and I know he can handle a needle quite well too. Who knows he might become a celebrated designer one day having models wearing his creations....And last but not least Kibashi-san - a 61 year 'young' Japanese man who's passionate about the Korean language and customs. Although a lot older than us, he's very young-minded and he doesn't mind that we see him as a 'friend' rather than as an elder person. He really likes hanging out with us and we can speak casually to each other. Actually that's not so common either, being an older Japanese man himself. Actually he reminds me a lot of my late father, being the same age and the same kind of spirit. We used to get together all the time, the 4 of us. Dinners, lunches, festivals, pubs even just simple student activities at the campus.
But actually there were the 5 of us, because Heli - the Austrian guy who lived in the same dormitory as me - is now in Austria. My Korean friends say that's not that common to stay closely in contact with a 'Western' foreigner after the period they stay in Korea. And to have such a good friend like Heli, it's just not a common thing. I completely agree with that :).


On this Monday's reunion we talked a lot about our past, mostly about how we met this year. And how the friendship grew within time. Finding it amazing that people with different backgrounds, different nationalities, different interests and even different age could come together and still meet. Even after a break of 3 months. To be honest, we haven't been knowing each other that long before I went back to the US, but we did meet a lot in a short period. Maybe it was the intensity and the nice memories as well that made the difference.
I hope to stay in contact with them after this semester too, because it will be the last time that I go abroad for studying.
Yeah, bringing up those memories from a young past... it's really nice. Luckily LJ met most of my friends in that very short period that he stayed here in Seoul. It was really important for me that he met everybody. My friends liked him a lot and vice versa. Now he can understand the good kind of friends that took care of me here during those 3 months of Seoul daily life.
And the very last day, the night before we left for the US, we had one of the most crazy karaokes EVER with wigs and the right amount portion of melancholy. That time it was just me, LJ, Sang-yul and Kyoung-ju.
Thinking back, yeah, those were really the times : without and with LJ. I am just so happy, I could share that part of my life in Seoul with my husband. Because right now, at moments like this, I just wished he could be here.
But I am not sad right now. Because I am in good hands here :).
So we took some pictures on our reunion on Monday : the 4 of us. Just to be funny and silly - no matter what age : one beautiful picture in an ordinary elevator :)).
Monday, September 22, 2008
Exploring Korea's tradtions
Like most Asian cities, Seoul is a shopping paradise... food paradise... entertainment paradise. Where ever I go in Seoul, I never get bored of the sights because at every streets corner, in what ever sub center of Seoul, you will find new shops, coffee corners, restaurants over and over again. Seoul's buildings and facilities are packed densely and not just per square feet, but also in the height. At night neon lights all over. It's hard to really orientate sometimes. Busy during daytime, crowded with 70 percents of female shoppers, the streets come even more alive at night, when people get off from school and work. Some shops even have special sales during certain times in the evening giving all their products away with 20% discount. Shopping around 7pm is like crazy, I think.

Sometimes I feel lost in such a big city. Although I am not alone and surrounded by people, I feel lost. I am always surprised, when I find a spot of nature or park in the midst of this bustling city, where not too many people tend to come.

Last Saturday, I went to visit one of the Royal Palaces Changgyeonggung and Jongmyo Royal Shrine situated near the City Hall of Seoul and in the vicinity of the other grand palaces in Seoul. Actually to be honest, I don't really see the difference any longer between one and the other palace, because the architecture looks a bit similar. Maybe I am loosing my touch of observation as an architect, being jobless for almost one year ;p. But still, I like visiting ancient buildings, because they breathe history and have been standing there through time and space.
And I also like the surroundings of those palaces, most situated in a quiet and serene green 'park' environment. A nice break from the city's never ending stream of people, cars and consumption.

Nice thing about Changgyeonggung is that it's actually not as popular among tourists as the bigger Gyeonbokgung and Changdeokgung, but visitors can enjoy some very nice traditional cultural events like tea ceremony and cookie making course.


Actually I kind of by accident rolled into one of those events and I am glad I did. I was just in time to make the dough for the sesame and peanut cookies. Just sat down next to some Korean mothers and their children, as I was part of their tea party :). Being a daughter of a former Chinese baker and a mother who's all crazy about making Chinese Moon cakes lately, I felt some melancholy to my late grandmother's bakery in Hong Kong.


The recipe is quite simple : just mixing some honey with peanut powder or sesame powder and pushing the dough in some molds. After the cookie making the Korean hostesses taught us the movements how to drink Korean traditional tea... I did quite well they told me... or maybe it was just politeness towards a foreigner ;p.

In the evening, I walked towards Insadong, wanting to explore some of the remaining traditional houses in the city center, but eventually I ended up lost again - my night vision and orientation get worse by dawn - finding myself a nice cup of coffee at Starbuck's, drying up from the rain.
It was Saturday night, and guess what? I did go out on myself eventually in the Hongdae area. It's a bit stupid, I admit, nobody goes out on their own, but I just wanted to be outside on Saturday evening on my own, so I just DID. So I visited Jane's Groove after 3 months, my favorite bar in Seoul. Because the female owner of the bar is my friend. I listened to some music, enjoyed a Leffe and danced of course. Ended up talking to her best friend who's the manager of the bar. He had a very strange English accent, very familiar and yes... it was as I thought : he had a Dutch-English accent. Korean guy who has been living in Amsterdam for about 3 years, even being able to speak Dutch to me. I was really surprised and happy at the same time :)). The world is really small from time to time to meet people that have something in common with you.
Took the first subway back to my dormitory. But had to wait for about one hour. People outside were drunk and happy, I was just wandering around on my own, observing people. It's really funny to be the only sober person among all those young students... I was fascinated by the lively scenery that early in the morning but felt lonely at the same time. Luckily near my subway station there was a small eatery with a kind ajumma - middle aged lady - where I could wait and where I had a very nice - actually DELICIOUS - red bean rice porridge on the wait :))... I LOVE READ BEANS. Although Saturday was a moody and lonely day for me - partly because of the rain - I experienced some warm and comfortable moments too, all linked to Korea's traditional food, served by kind-hearted people :)
Sometimes I feel lost in such a big city. Although I am not alone and surrounded by people, I feel lost. I am always surprised, when I find a spot of nature or park in the midst of this bustling city, where not too many people tend to come.
Last Saturday, I went to visit one of the Royal Palaces Changgyeonggung and Jongmyo Royal Shrine situated near the City Hall of Seoul and in the vicinity of the other grand palaces in Seoul. Actually to be honest, I don't really see the difference any longer between one and the other palace, because the architecture looks a bit similar. Maybe I am loosing my touch of observation as an architect, being jobless for almost one year ;p. But still, I like visiting ancient buildings, because they breathe history and have been standing there through time and space.
And I also like the surroundings of those palaces, most situated in a quiet and serene green 'park' environment. A nice break from the city's never ending stream of people, cars and consumption.
Nice thing about Changgyeonggung is that it's actually not as popular among tourists as the bigger Gyeonbokgung and Changdeokgung, but visitors can enjoy some very nice traditional cultural events like tea ceremony and cookie making course.
Actually I kind of by accident rolled into one of those events and I am glad I did. I was just in time to make the dough for the sesame and peanut cookies. Just sat down next to some Korean mothers and their children, as I was part of their tea party :). Being a daughter of a former Chinese baker and a mother who's all crazy about making Chinese Moon cakes lately, I felt some melancholy to my late grandmother's bakery in Hong Kong.
The recipe is quite simple : just mixing some honey with peanut powder or sesame powder and pushing the dough in some molds. After the cookie making the Korean hostesses taught us the movements how to drink Korean traditional tea... I did quite well they told me... or maybe it was just politeness towards a foreigner ;p.
In the evening, I walked towards Insadong, wanting to explore some of the remaining traditional houses in the city center, but eventually I ended up lost again - my night vision and orientation get worse by dawn - finding myself a nice cup of coffee at Starbuck's, drying up from the rain.
It was Saturday night, and guess what? I did go out on myself eventually in the Hongdae area. It's a bit stupid, I admit, nobody goes out on their own, but I just wanted to be outside on Saturday evening on my own, so I just DID. So I visited Jane's Groove after 3 months, my favorite bar in Seoul. Because the female owner of the bar is my friend. I listened to some music, enjoyed a Leffe and danced of course. Ended up talking to her best friend who's the manager of the bar. He had a very strange English accent, very familiar and yes... it was as I thought : he had a Dutch-English accent. Korean guy who has been living in Amsterdam for about 3 years, even being able to speak Dutch to me. I was really surprised and happy at the same time :)). The world is really small from time to time to meet people that have something in common with you.
Took the first subway back to my dormitory. But had to wait for about one hour. People outside were drunk and happy, I was just wandering around on my own, observing people. It's really funny to be the only sober person among all those young students... I was fascinated by the lively scenery that early in the morning but felt lonely at the same time. Luckily near my subway station there was a small eatery with a kind ajumma - middle aged lady - where I could wait and where I had a very nice - actually DELICIOUS - red bean rice porridge on the wait :))... I LOVE READ BEANS. Although Saturday was a moody and lonely day for me - partly because of the rain - I experienced some warm and comfortable moments too, all linked to Korea's traditional food, served by kind-hearted people :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Back in Korea
So as most of you already know, I am back in Korea, since this week Monday evening. Actually, it has been quite a hectic few weeks, just before I left for Korea again, but that's another story.
Flew with Asiana Airlines from San Francisco to Seoul, nothing special on the flight, the food was not spectacular, so were the female flight attendants : those from Korean Air are more pretty, even I as a female can see that. But even then, the service was quite good, if you get a Korean flight attendant at least. Mine was an Indonesian or some other South East Asian country, nice young lady but very casual while interaction with the passengers and at some point even almost impolite. She was more laid back compared to her Korean colleagues.
Arrived in the Monday evening, luckily I knew my way tot the express bus and the language as well, because the bus driver eventually passed my bus stop without any announcing, making me walk for about 20 minutes like a fool in the dark to the dormitory with my big and small suitcase trolleys. Hell of an arrival I would say. It was hot and humid and I was tired. But I made it fine. Luckily this did not happen the first time I came to Korea in March this year, because I would not know where I had to tell the bus driver to stop.
Luckily this time, I did not pack that much and this for 3 months. I actually didn't even pack winter clothes, for it's summer time in Korea right now, the last few days up to 28*C by daytime and 20*C by nighttime. Actually warmer and more moisture than in San Francisco Bay Area.
The manager of the dormitory was not there at my arrival but she left the key of my room to my neighbor. I got a bigger room than I asked for, actually I was thinking of having a 4 square meters room at the corner of the building - 2 windows - because I thought I would manage without too much space. Eventually today, after long hesitating between function, space, light and costs, I decided to stay at the bigger room, about 8 square meters with less daylight. I might need the extra space to move I think, in case I become over energetic... "De kogel is door de kerk...."
I already went jogging again - on Thursday - yes at night again. Nothing to worry about, Seoul is a safe city, as long as there are people outside, having dinner, drinking soju, in the nice warm hot and humid evenings and nights.
Meanwhile I have also met some friends. It's nice to be back in Korea. Although it feels strange as well to be back. Some people have gone, some people stayed. This time, the environment is not really new to me. I know my way, I am acquainted with the language and the habits, I even have my friends living here, a kind of social life. Already met with 2 of the Japanese girls - Eriko and Yuka - of my former spring-class this year and yesterday I had dinner with my good friend Sang-yul. Also by accident bumped into a Chinese guy that I call my 'younger brother' because I am much older than him. And that's about it.
I could call some more people, like for tonight : it's Saturday night and I could go out and dance... Yeah DANCE... but I think I will call it for today, because I already feel a cold coming up : itchy nose feeling like there's fog hanging around all the time, itchy throat, annoying cough during night time. I think it's because of the climate change and the air co in my room. And still, I think I really take good care of myself.
Today, is a moody day. My first day of exploring again. Exploring the places that I forgot about the first time I was in Korea. I do enjoy traveling on my own, from time to time, but when it's raining I tend to get moody and melancholic. I miss LJ. I miss my home. I miss Belgium. I miss our friends. I even miss our swimming pool in the USA. I really have to find a nice place to swim here.
Still sitting at Starbuck's. I am about to leave. My Caffe Latte is almost finished. At the background noisy people talking but I feel like I live in my own cocoon of thoughts. It's still raining outside. Despite the rain and my wet feet and wet travel guides, I did experience some 'warm' moments in the colder rain today, making me thinking back of a certain night last week at Santa Monica beach near Los Angeles ;).
free pop corn and participating at Korean cookie making and tea ceremony I attended during my visit to one of the Royal Palaces in Seoul. Learned a lot about how to drink tea in Korean way :)). Graciously.
So... off I go now. Next entry will be with pictures and so. About today's experiences. Rethinking the structure of this blog, I might jump back from time to time to last semester's trips I made when my husband came here on holiday. We will see. At least, I started writing again :)).
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Goodbye Korea, Goodbye Seoul
My last and final blog entry that will be written in Korea. I am in Incheon Airport now. My husband and I already checked our luggage : two full suit cases, one big back pack and a duffle bag... Sitting in some kind of internet lounge while having to pay 500 Korean won per 10 minutes...
Last week was really crazy with my husband coming here. Having a full program from morning till sometimes late at night, my husband got to know my life in Korea and met the friends that became so dear to me during my 3 months of stay here in this wonderful country. It was really great, but exhausting too sometimes. Although we have been seperated for almost 3 months and he was not really a part of my `everyday` life any more, meeting my friends he finally understands the person I have become during my stay in Korea. I have grown on my own, my mind and ideas have grown, my experience of other people lives has grown.
Sometimes, it is really strange that you have to travel the half world around to become FULL CIRCLE...
Meanwhile, in this last week we have done a little bit of traveling to, to Busan and Jeju-do. Met some interesting and nice people, on our non planned trip. We just went, without real preparations, tickets or reservations. It was really a little kind of adventure on its own. And lots of sightseeing around Seoul. Drinking beer at pubs, having good time with friends. Yesterday we ended our stay here with an unbelievable evening of noreabang, colored wigs etc...
Yeah, it was really wonderful, my time being here without husband but also with... Although in the beginning I had to adapt to him being by my side for more than 1 week 24 hours per day and sometimes in a very claustrophobic small room in Crimson House, we managed to survive and to get used to each other again. Especially it was important for me that he got to know the `LT` that I have been and have become, thanks to the wonderful friends I have met here.
Yeah, I will miss Korea, I will miss Seoul. I will miss the friends that have become my `everyday life` during these 3 months. I have been jogging on my own on Wednesday night from from 1 top 2 past midnight while my husband was sleeping. I really felt to jog, so I just went... The scenery was beautiful, as ever.... I wanted to say goodbye to the place that became a piece of `home` to me in my own way.
BUT I am not sad. For everything in life there is a time to come and go, to say hello and goodbye. And I am coming back for sure one day :)
Korea and the people I have met have captured my heart. I will miss you guys : Sang-yul, Kyung-ju, Ye-in, Heli, Sarra, Kibashi-san, Eriko, Naoko, Minki of Jane`s Groove... and a Thanks for everything. For being friends and for sharing thoughts and ideas with me.
And... as for the people back home in Europe and USA, I will update this blog with the stories and pictures I didn`t find time to tell and update... so this blog is not over yet.. But as for writing from Korea, this will be my last entry.
See you later, with my memories from Seoul, South Korea and beyond :)
Last week was really crazy with my husband coming here. Having a full program from morning till sometimes late at night, my husband got to know my life in Korea and met the friends that became so dear to me during my 3 months of stay here in this wonderful country. It was really great, but exhausting too sometimes. Although we have been seperated for almost 3 months and he was not really a part of my `everyday` life any more, meeting my friends he finally understands the person I have become during my stay in Korea. I have grown on my own, my mind and ideas have grown, my experience of other people lives has grown.
Sometimes, it is really strange that you have to travel the half world around to become FULL CIRCLE...
Meanwhile, in this last week we have done a little bit of traveling to, to Busan and Jeju-do. Met some interesting and nice people, on our non planned trip. We just went, without real preparations, tickets or reservations. It was really a little kind of adventure on its own. And lots of sightseeing around Seoul. Drinking beer at pubs, having good time with friends. Yesterday we ended our stay here with an unbelievable evening of noreabang, colored wigs etc...
Yeah, it was really wonderful, my time being here without husband but also with... Although in the beginning I had to adapt to him being by my side for more than 1 week 24 hours per day and sometimes in a very claustrophobic small room in Crimson House, we managed to survive and to get used to each other again. Especially it was important for me that he got to know the `LT` that I have been and have become, thanks to the wonderful friends I have met here.
Yeah, I will miss Korea, I will miss Seoul. I will miss the friends that have become my `everyday life` during these 3 months. I have been jogging on my own on Wednesday night from from 1 top 2 past midnight while my husband was sleeping. I really felt to jog, so I just went... The scenery was beautiful, as ever.... I wanted to say goodbye to the place that became a piece of `home` to me in my own way.
BUT I am not sad. For everything in life there is a time to come and go, to say hello and goodbye. And I am coming back for sure one day :)
Korea and the people I have met have captured my heart. I will miss you guys : Sang-yul, Kyung-ju, Ye-in, Heli, Sarra, Kibashi-san, Eriko, Naoko, Minki of Jane`s Groove... and a Thanks for everything. For being friends and for sharing thoughts and ideas with me.
And... as for the people back home in Europe and USA, I will update this blog with the stories and pictures I didn`t find time to tell and update... so this blog is not over yet.. But as for writing from Korea, this will be my last entry.
See you later, with my memories from Seoul, South Korea and beyond :)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Quicky before the finals
Nothing better than a good bowl of rich fiber cornflakes with dried bananas, raisins and milk to power my brains in the hope to do a good final exam today... I hope I will do better than the mid terms of last month, at least I have done my best studying and isolating myself during the last few days ;)... I mean at least I stayed in Anam-dong the whole time. Meanwhile, having an agenda that really looks like 'real Koreans' meaning - very busy : even though it's 'study' time, still had some appointments to say 'goodbye' to people who are leaving and that I might not see for a while again...
After today, it will be even more crazy, because the semester is ending and people from my class, from Korea University and Kyunghee University are all leaving for a trip or their home around the same time. BUT no need to be sad... there are still the nice memories we all shared together. So that's it for this very early morning entry, have to revise my grammar and vocabulary... Be back very soon, with updates and pictures I hope... AJA FIGHTING !!!
After today, it will be even more crazy, because the semester is ending and people from my class, from Korea University and Kyunghee University are all leaving for a trip or their home around the same time. BUT no need to be sad... there are still the nice memories we all shared together. So that's it for this very early morning entry, have to revise my grammar and vocabulary... Be back very soon, with updates and pictures I hope... AJA FIGHTING !!!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Deep impressions...
It's Sunday afternoon right now... actually I woke up to study after a very good night sleep, feeling a lot of energy to go for it.... My finals are on Thursday. But then, I started thinking again. About some things that are said and conversations I had during this weekend. Anyway, doesn't really matter what it was really all about, but the main topic was : 'farewell'...
Yes, as my days in Seoul and Korea are ending, my friends and I talked a lot about 'when we get back'... to the place where we belong. Some friends are already leaving for their home town around the 20th of June, some are leaving for traveling around that time... I am just glad my husband is coming over very soon, to paste the hurt that I am feeling, because my period of very interesting and intense friendships is coming to an end... in one way or the other. I can't help feeling a little bit sad and happy at the same time - I am blessed to meet such nice people during my stay here - because I am just this kind of person. Living all my life, having my heart given away several times, at least a part of my heart. Sometimes being like this is also exhausting, I know, I think sometimes, maybe I should stop being like this. It's a bit naive to live like this. Because it is not always the other way around. I know. But I don't know any better than being like this. Because it hurts, but on the same time, being able to give a genuine feeling of friendship, isn't that one of the most beautiful gifts ever, leaving an impression behind that you don't forget? Maybe being able to make someone's life a little bit more beautiful?
Yeah, I am getting very philosophical again. But people who know me, know that's just the LT that I am. So... feeling much better having this put on 'paper' - or should I say cyberspace - and maybe being read by some of you, I can continue as I planned, like 2 hours ago, to start studying for the finals. I cut off all the skype activities - MSN I don't really use, not that I am that reachable anyway, only my cell phone will be working just in case. Need some space and time on my own... to focus again.
Yes, as my days in Seoul and Korea are ending, my friends and I talked a lot about 'when we get back'... to the place where we belong. Some friends are already leaving for their home town around the 20th of June, some are leaving for traveling around that time... I am just glad my husband is coming over very soon, to paste the hurt that I am feeling, because my period of very interesting and intense friendships is coming to an end... in one way or the other. I can't help feeling a little bit sad and happy at the same time - I am blessed to meet such nice people during my stay here - because I am just this kind of person. Living all my life, having my heart given away several times, at least a part of my heart. Sometimes being like this is also exhausting, I know, I think sometimes, maybe I should stop being like this. It's a bit naive to live like this. Because it is not always the other way around. I know. But I don't know any better than being like this. Because it hurts, but on the same time, being able to give a genuine feeling of friendship, isn't that one of the most beautiful gifts ever, leaving an impression behind that you don't forget? Maybe being able to make someone's life a little bit more beautiful?
Yeah, I am getting very philosophical again. But people who know me, know that's just the LT that I am. So... feeling much better having this put on 'paper' - or should I say cyberspace - and maybe being read by some of you, I can continue as I planned, like 2 hours ago, to start studying for the finals. I cut off all the skype activities - MSN I don't really use, not that I am that reachable anyway, only my cell phone will be working just in case. Need some space and time on my own... to focus again.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Ozark Henry in .... Seoul
Just came back from an incredible jog this night. On my own. Last few times I went jogging with Heli and we managed to jog about an hour while talking. I really like jogging nowadays, especially if you are not alone, time passes by so quickly that you don't even feel tired after a while.
But today, I went alone. It rained a lot these few days in Seoul, I was glad that it cleared up in the evening, so I just can go out... I have been studying quite lot lately. Next week Thursday is my final exam. That's what I am here for in Korea : to learn a new language.
It is incredible, the feeling I had during the jogging. The first few times I went on my own, I could hardly make it to more than 40 minutes. Maybe because I was stressed out of people watching me. Or maybe I just had the wrong music - soundtracks of Korean dramas - on my I Shuffle. Yes I still have a very basic MP3 player, one without screen and where you can't choose the music and just have to push 'fwd' or 'rwd' to go to your favorite song... But I don't care.
Today, I uploaded my favorite music on my Shuffle. It is actually the music during the 'lounge' part of our engagement party a few years ago at the 'Blauwe Kater' in Leuven, Belgium. Yeaaah, those were really the times. Me, my husband - at that time fiance - our friends and family going all crazy at our party, having my favorite music, food, good drinks... I thought a lot about my life in Belgium, during my jog today, my sister, my brother, my mother. My friends. Friends that have been following me and my husband for about 10 years or more : Wing Yan, Willy, Alan, Wai Keung, Pang Lok, Sin Yee, Ann. It's incredible how we all have grown.

When I look back how my life has changed, while now being in Korea on my own, I feel amazed of being here. Although, some of you don't really hear from me as much as my time being in the States - because of being busy all the time, the classes, the appointments, the homework and yes - I do study tooo - I think about home a lot. Actually a lot about how things are changing, without me being around. I just realize, maybe even if you want to be together, it might be not bad idea to give each other some space, to become 'completely' your own. Like if feel with my mother, brother and sister. Always being used of 'watching' over as the 'big sister', I find that they are evolving too, having their 'space', like I am now doing, being away from my husband a while. I find myself being able to 'let go'.
The same with my friends in Belgium. Being thrilled when I hear some good news from friends and family, I follow everything happily from a distance, but sometimes I just wish I could go back like in 'Star Trek' where a technique like 'beaming up' exists. Just to be a part of their lives again. Because, I once was. A part of their everyday life.
It is strange how my 'everyday' life has changed as well. Sometimes I feel 'homeless' meaning, that I don't really know where I belong. I just know, I am here, living, breathing and being thankful for being able to feel so much. For being able to live with passion.
I never thought that being in Seoul, would also be a period that I was going to conquer my fears and explore my physical limits. I never thought of hiking on my own, I never thought of jogging on my own, I never thought of eating silk worms. It's good, that I became less scared and more adventurous, although all these things are quite normal too.
So today, I set my own personal record : I jogged for 1 hour and 20 minutes, non stop. And I was not tired at all. Not having to think about anything than the music in your ears, the evening sky, the apartments surrounding you... I was not tired, because the music kind of regulated my breathing. All very easy and relaxing music. Music that I have been liking for years passed my ears during the jog : Moby, Lamb, Morcheeba, Hooverphonic, Air, Sioen, Shivaree, Kevin Shields, Death in Vegas, Norah Jones, Pizzicato Five, hell yeah I even have one song of a popular group All Saints (Pure Shores)... and of course Ozark Henry (Icon DJ)
Hmmm... today was a good day for me. Time to hit the shower and disappear under my blankets :)).
But today, I went alone. It rained a lot these few days in Seoul, I was glad that it cleared up in the evening, so I just can go out... I have been studying quite lot lately. Next week Thursday is my final exam. That's what I am here for in Korea : to learn a new language.
It is incredible, the feeling I had during the jogging. The first few times I went on my own, I could hardly make it to more than 40 minutes. Maybe because I was stressed out of people watching me. Or maybe I just had the wrong music - soundtracks of Korean dramas - on my I Shuffle. Yes I still have a very basic MP3 player, one without screen and where you can't choose the music and just have to push 'fwd' or 'rwd' to go to your favorite song... But I don't care.
Today, I uploaded my favorite music on my Shuffle. It is actually the music during the 'lounge' part of our engagement party a few years ago at the 'Blauwe Kater' in Leuven, Belgium. Yeaaah, those were really the times. Me, my husband - at that time fiance - our friends and family going all crazy at our party, having my favorite music, food, good drinks... I thought a lot about my life in Belgium, during my jog today, my sister, my brother, my mother. My friends. Friends that have been following me and my husband for about 10 years or more : Wing Yan, Willy, Alan, Wai Keung, Pang Lok, Sin Yee, Ann. It's incredible how we all have grown.


The same with my friends in Belgium. Being thrilled when I hear some good news from friends and family, I follow everything happily from a distance, but sometimes I just wish I could go back like in 'Star Trek' where a technique like 'beaming up' exists. Just to be a part of their lives again. Because, I once was. A part of their everyday life.
It is strange how my 'everyday' life has changed as well. Sometimes I feel 'homeless' meaning, that I don't really know where I belong. I just know, I am here, living, breathing and being thankful for being able to feel so much. For being able to live with passion.
I never thought that being in Seoul, would also be a period that I was going to conquer my fears and explore my physical limits. I never thought of hiking on my own, I never thought of jogging on my own, I never thought of eating silk worms. It's good, that I became less scared and more adventurous, although all these things are quite normal too.
So today, I set my own personal record : I jogged for 1 hour and 20 minutes, non stop. And I was not tired at all. Not having to think about anything than the music in your ears, the evening sky, the apartments surrounding you... I was not tired, because the music kind of regulated my breathing. All very easy and relaxing music. Music that I have been liking for years passed my ears during the jog : Moby, Lamb, Morcheeba, Hooverphonic, Air, Sioen, Shivaree, Kevin Shields, Death in Vegas, Norah Jones, Pizzicato Five, hell yeah I even have one song of a popular group All Saints (Pure Shores)... and of course Ozark Henry (Icon DJ)
Hmmm... today was a good day for me. Time to hit the shower and disappear under my blankets :)).
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pre dinner intermezzo : how to make ice coffee
Actually, I am studying now, because tonight I have an appointment with a photographer at Hongik to join him doing some shootings at Jane's Groove, my favorite Seoul Club. I am drinking 'ice coffee' now... not bought at Starbuck's or Coffee Bean, home made... ehum..... Just pour some cold water from the water tap half way into the bottle, put some Tasterschoice instant coffee powder - especially the one with the Daniel Henney face on it - and "SHAKE it.. shake it shake it BABY.... " . In less than 1 minute, I have a delicious instant ice coffee, without having to walk more than 10 steps from my desk :).
Result? I am feeling like working in overdrive again, I always get that from coffee when I have to 'perform' something of have to stay awake. But that's not the only reason. Today I received some wonderful news from a close friend and I just feel so happy for him or her. Feeling so many good vibes lately that I really need a way to let it all out... PFFFT....
Anyway, have to keep my head in the books now. Within two weeks are the final exams. And this weekend I am going on a road trip with some friends, I am really looking forward to be outside of Seoul for a while :).
Result? I am feeling like working in overdrive again, I always get that from coffee when I have to 'perform' something of have to stay awake. But that's not the only reason. Today I received some wonderful news from a close friend and I just feel so happy for him or her. Feeling so many good vibes lately that I really need a way to let it all out... PFFFT....
Anyway, have to keep my head in the books now. Within two weeks are the final exams. And this weekend I am going on a road trip with some friends, I am really looking forward to be outside of Seoul for a while :).
Monday, May 26, 2008
Week 6 : week of celebration
Girls Day Out - Buddha's Birthday

On Monday May 12, we had a day off because of the celebration of Buddha's Birthday. Jippie hey :).. I was going to meet Ye-in 예인 and Sarra near Insadong 인사동. She asked me if I was interested to see a traditional music performance where a friend of her was performing on a traditional Korean flute called 'daegum' 대금. Three other ladies of the company played the 'gayageum' 가야금 - a 12-string instrument, one was playing on a two-sided drum called 'changgu' 장구, while another one was singing. One song at least I recognize was the 'Arirang' 아리랑 - Korea's most famous folk song - performed in a more contemporary, almost 'fusion', way...
After the performance Ye-in led us through some side streets of Insadong, where you can find some of the most nicest coffee shops, restaurants, eateries ever :). The streets were not so crowded as the main street of Insadong, the surrounding was picturesque also because of the few remaining traditional houses in this area...


We stopped at a traditional 'eatery' where I had one of the most 'heavenly delicious' porridge EVER 단팥죽! It was the specialty of the house, made with red beans, rice cake, chestnuts, ginko nut and cinnamon... The combination of sweetness with saltiness was sublime.... Hmmmmm.MMMM... for the ones who don't know : I am fond of beans too...



After the lunch, we strolled around continuing our sight seeing and visited the Buddhist Temple in Insadong where the celebration ceremony was held for Buddha's Birthday. Under a blanket of colorful lanterns, hundreds of people gathered to speak to one god. There was a very cute little girl - Sarra calls her 'Princess' - playing around in her Hanbok... I borrowed the pictures from Sarra's facebook, because my camera ran out of battery, but I did took the picture of that cute girl while kneeling down with Sarra's camera... and told the little girl how beautiful she was "예뻐... 너무 예뻐" - which she clearly understood, because she posed like a pro :)
Although I am not a 'believer', I always get touched by the sight of so many people gathering together and to speak to one 'god', whoever that might be. It's just amazing, how you can feel the spiritual atmosphere, when everybody's heart and mind is talking to 'one person'... I think, the spiritual atmosphere, is what makes religion, a religion... no matter what kind of religion we are talking about... 'Kindred spirits'. Hear me, being an atheist, talking about religion... ;).
And now about a whole different kind of religion - that of the consumer minded coffee... We ended the evening with a very nice evening meal where Kristina joined us - no pictures alas - and an at least 2 hour family stories chat at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at level 5....

We could take the latest subway to Hoegi station where I had to catch a taxi back to my dormitory. On our way back, when the last train was about to leave, we met a completely confused Japanese guy who could not speak Korean, nor English, so with the little Japanese I still have in my head - because I am thinking Korean now - me and Sarra tried to explain him that there was one last train left to his final destination. I don't know if he got it. While our train was leaving, I gestured something at the window with my hands and arms 'next train - ok' on which he reacted even more confused than he already was.... So I wonder now, where he finally ended up that night...
Kyunghee University Festival and IFCC party



After the lunch, we strolled around continuing our sight seeing and visited the Buddhist Temple in Insadong where the celebration ceremony was held for Buddha's Birthday. Under a blanket of colorful lanterns, hundreds of people gathered to speak to one god. There was a very cute little girl - Sarra calls her 'Princess' - playing around in her Hanbok... I borrowed the pictures from Sarra's facebook, because my camera ran out of battery, but I did took the picture of that cute girl while kneeling down with Sarra's camera... and told the little girl how beautiful she was "예뻐... 너무 예뻐" - which she clearly understood, because she posed like a pro :)

And now about a whole different kind of religion - that of the consumer minded coffee... We ended the evening with a very nice evening meal where Kristina joined us - no pictures alas - and an at least 2 hour family stories chat at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf at level 5....

We could take the latest subway to Hoegi station where I had to catch a taxi back to my dormitory. On our way back, when the last train was about to leave, we met a completely confused Japanese guy who could not speak Korean, nor English, so with the little Japanese I still have in my head - because I am thinking Korean now - me and Sarra tried to explain him that there was one last train left to his final destination. I don't know if he got it. While our train was leaving, I gestured something at the window with my hands and arms 'next train - ok' on which he reacted even more confused than he already was.... So I wonder now, where he finally ended up that night...
Kyunghee University Festival and IFCC party
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