Saturday, November 29, 2008

Emotional roller coaster

People back home have been asking me lately if I am doing well in Korea... Actually I am, only thing that has been keeping me busy lately is the preparation of my finals starting next week Friday and ending the week after Tuesday and after that leaving me less than one week to do all the things I want to do, before I leave Korea and my friends here (forever?).

Too bad I don't have much time left after my finals, cause my last weeks will be like studying and trying to say goodbye here to everyone in a proper way and spend some quality time together with friends.

I have been in an emotional roller coaster lately, partly because I don't have a good medium any longer to let go of my negative energy - my dance courses ended and I don't go out to dance that often either - so letting me no choice than go jogging again. Actually this week I went jogging at night again, IN THE RAIN - I know that's asking for trouble, but I just could not stay in my room so I just went. In the rain. But I don't care... I mean I didn't care, but now I am stuck with a cough again. It's my own stupid fault, but I really enjoyed my run :).

Ah, also two days ago KBS2 - Korean broadcasting - came to our dormitory to shoot something for a program, so I will be on Korean TV coming Monday around 6:35pm Korean time... at least that's what they said.

And... as for the rest... lot of things to tell... but no time to write them down.

I just wrote my first Korean poem - I am not showing it cause it's quite personal - but I know how far I must have got in my emo-mood to create a poem. But that's nothing to worry about either. Cause I don't have the time and energy to stay emo. Cause there's the finals waiting ahead for me, so I am preparing myself for that and isolating myself from the outer world.

And in about 2 weeks... I will say goodbye to my dear friends here, but there are dear friends back in Belgium to catch my fall. Love you all.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My ice cold BUTT

oKAY... I have to admit that I've been neglecting my blog ever since school started since the beginning of October... Let's make a jump of about 1,5 month... I just came back from another mid night jog... I realize I tend to write more after a jog, because during that time lots of things pass through my mind, and not necessary bad things....

The weather has changed suddenly at the beginning of this week making a jump of 10°C by daytime to freezing point and even under 0°C these last few days. From tomorrow on the temperature will rise again above zero. The beautiful red, yellow and light green colored autumn leaves are making place for bold trees... A lot of ginkgo trees in the street just before the university lost their leaves from Sunday through Monday and Tuesday, transforming the sidewalk into a nice soft carpet of light green colored ginkgo leaves.

Autumn is changing into winter. And I just came back from a jog, I would not mention it, if I did not think it was special, because it's the first time I jogged at such low temperature -6°C. I never thought I would do it, but as I am used to myself being in Korea, when I feel like doing something, I just know I should try it. These few days, I have been inside my room after school for studying, preparing myself for the final exam at the beginning of December. So feeling claustrophobic in my room again. And by the way, I started a session of 2 till 3 times per week improvisation dance classes near Seoul National University, but the sessions ended last week, and I am still waiting for news for the next series of sessions.... Without those dance sessions, I really feel the urge to do something physically, even at this low temperature.

So... I just went... it was not hard at all. Not even hard to breathe. I think I kind of habituated my body to movement en physical exercises, as even now, I don't get tired nor exhausted. My body is in harmony with my spirit, and my spirit with the music in my ears. Of course, today I was accompanied by Manu Chao, 10CC, Think of One and even Björk shouting some very nice warm and lively music, making me warm inside, not feeling any of the freezing cold outside. The jog was incredible as ever. I sometimes live on the endorphines that my body creates, sometimes it's even scary to realize that I don't even get physically tired anymore after such exercise.

But I do feel something, now when I am back in my cozy warm room. My whole body is now adapting again to the warmth and my BUTT is still ICY cold and tinseling... I think I just hit the shower and get ready for a nice night under my blankets and dream about the nice warm weather in California ;p

I think about home a lot. Just in case some might wonder. Lots of things have happened... Back in Belgium, also my small adventures here. But on the general, I am feeling positive and becoming more and more the LT that I've always wanted to be, so I am doing really fine now. Except for the missing of my core of my existence that has even been the reason of my existence : my husband and my family and friends. I know, even though we all live far from each other, distance doesn't make it less valuable or less strong. On the contrary...