Thursday, June 12, 2008

Quicky before the finals

Nothing better than a good bowl of rich fiber cornflakes with dried bananas, raisins and milk to power my brains in the hope to do a good final exam today... I hope I will do better than the mid terms of last month, at least I have done my best studying and isolating myself during the last few days ;)... I mean at least I stayed in Anam-dong the whole time. Meanwhile, having an agenda that really looks like 'real Koreans' meaning - very busy : even though it's 'study' time, still had some appointments to say 'goodbye' to people who are leaving and that I might not see for a while again...
After today, it will be even more crazy, because the semester is ending and people from my class, from Korea University and Kyunghee University are all leaving for a trip or their home around the same time. BUT no need to be sad... there are still the nice memories we all shared together. So that's it for this very early morning entry, have to revise my grammar and vocabulary... Be back very soon, with updates and pictures I hope... AJA FIGHTING !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doe het nog goed LT!!!! KAMBATE

Chun Hung