Friday, March 28, 2008

Safe and sound in Seoul

My first blog entry from Seoul. I just arrived at my room in Crimson House near Korea University. A lot of new impressions and I just got here. I realize now, I have way too many luggage with me... but it's hard packing for three months and lots of it are books, sheets, towels, although I can buy it all here. I arrived after a 12,5 hours non stop flight at Incheon Airport around 5.30pm.

I really recommend flying with 'Excellence in Flight' Korean Air, they are the best : great meals, lots of leg space and individual touch screens TV with remote and a bunch of movies.

At arrival, I passed the quarantine and customs, changed some money - changing Euros into Korean Won is more interesting than the US Dollar nowadays - and bought a ticket at the ticket stand for my bus drive to Korea University. There was a lot of traffic, so it took me about 1,5 hour to get here. On my way, absorbing all the Korean signs and conversations around me. I am glad that I can read and understand the language a bit. Makes me less anxious and worried about me getting around. Already used some Korean to ask the way to my final destination, people here are very kind and helpful... I already like it here :). The manager of Crimson House is a fine young lady who waited for me to check in. Showed me around a bit and now I am sitting behind my small desk, after having phoned my hubby of course, typing this entry. I am going to make my bed and take a shower... and try to sleep over my jet lag... Tomorrow I am going to shop around for some things. But first things first : SLEEP... 나중에 봐요 !


Anonymous said...

Amai, dat gaat nogal een vaart vooruit. Veel succes !!

eltieke said...

Merci :) Oppassen met die 'sarang he'.. als je dat teveel zegt heb je binnen de kortste keren een bende Koreaanse meiden rond je plakken... of misschien is dat wel de bedoeling ;p